Pay Now from Account Inquiry

Pay Now is used to receive payments/take deposits for Credit Cards , Preauthorized (ACH) or Other Direct Payment Posting via any Payment Type and apply them directly to the customer account through Account Inquiry. Also See Related Topics.


Pay Now - Credit Cards or ACH

  1. Enter or Search and select the Customer/Site.
  2. Click the Pay Now button in the upper right corner of the Account Inquiry.

  • If a card is stored on file in Pay Info, the default card number or ACH will populate.
  • If a card is not stored on file, Credit Card, ACH or Other payment type can be entered manually. See Examples:

  1. Review Amount to Charge.
  2. Click Pay Now to process payment for Amount to Charge.
  3. To Pay Invoices individually, click Pay Specific Invoices.

  1. Verify the Amount to Charge.
  2. Click Pay Now.
  3. User will receive Authorization and Approval Code for Credit Card and ACH transactions.


  1. Print or Email Receipt.



Pay Now - Other Direct Payment

  1. Enter or Search and select the Customer/Site.
  2. Click the Pay Now button in the upper right corner of the Account Inquiry.
  • If a card is not stored on file, Credit Card, ACH or Other payment type can be entered manually. See Examples:

  1. Select Other.
  2. Select Payment Type from drop down.
  3. Enter Check # or Reference.
  4. Amount to Charge will populate with the Customer's full outstanding balance.
  5. If the Amount to Charge is correct, click Pay Now.

  1. If the Amount to charge is not correct, click Pay Specific Invoices.
  2. Enter the amount to pay in the Applied column or double click in the Applied field to auto populate the Applied amount with the Balance.
  3. Verify the Amount to Charge and click Pay Now.

  1. Print or Email receipt, or Close without a receipt.

  • Payment is displayed in the Invoice Details.


Click here to view the Pay Now payments reported on Cash Listing or Cash Journal.


Apply On Line Payments

Online Payments Transaction List

Payment Reporting

Email Receipt Notification Setting